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And We're Back


Finally, the love of my life, hockey, is back. This summer seemed to drag on forever. But finally, last night I was able to sit down with the dog, enjoy some wings, and scream at my T.V. I think my neighbors are going to hate me because of the amount of screaming I did, but I've decided to make a hockey wreath for my door that can give them all a glimpse of what happens behind my door.

If there is anything that can help me through “sad girl autumn” it is hockey.

Last night, the Blackhawks played in Pittsburg. At first they seemed sloppy and loose… but by the 3rd period they were a united front that came back to win the game.

Just talking about it makes me smile. It’s insane to me that a sport can have that much power, but it does and I am here for it.

Let’s Go Hawks!



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