Book Review: Poet Anderson … Of Nightmares (Book 1) by Tom DeLonge, guitarist of Blink-182 and Angels & Airwaves, and author Suzanne Young. …Of Nightmares introduces readers to the possibility of lucid dreaming and what lies on the other side for those in control of their dreams.
Brothers Jonas and Alan Anderson are ready to restart their lives with a new possibility when tragedy strikes. Jonas is left searching for a way to find his brother in the Dreamscape where they used to lucid dream together.
As Jonas searches he discovers the dichotomy between the waking world and the dreamscape. The dreamscape offers a completely different version of himself. In the waking world he is a loner, often relocating and being “the new kid”. Once he enters the Dreamscape he is a dynamic and powerful dreamer known as a Poet, the last of his kind.
In the Dreamscape there are different roles. Poets help lost dreamers tunnel back to their own dreams and are very powerful. Dream Walkers help others in the Dreamscape, including Poets, but are not able to tunnel out. Night Stalkers are like Dream Walkers, but for the evil villain, REM. Each role is important to keep a balance in the Dreamscape.
…Of Nightmares gives readers an adventure to the unknown world of lucid dreaming. Twists and turns along the way gives readers a wild ride that leaves you wanting more.
4.5/5 Stars